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Honey Wax 900 - Premium Carnauba Wax

產品編號: 07016

Stoner Honey Wax 900 is a premium high-build paste wax that offers more wax protection with each coat! It combines the best of premium pure carnauba with advanced UV resistant polymers that crosslink to provide unsurpassed water beading and long-lasting protection.
Stoner Honey Wax 900 Premium Carnauba Wax is a unique pure wax blended with long-lasting polymers to form a slick, high gloss protective wax barrier with high water beading. This ‘old school’ carnauba-rich formula leaves a layerable, slick coating quite rare in the car care market.
Honey Wax 900 is:
• Easy to use, leaving a higher build coating of wax protection
• Leaves a layerable protection
• Safe for all automotive finishes including clear coats
• High gloss and super-slick
Direction for Use
1. Wash and dry vehicle to remove, dust, dirt and other contaminants
2. Apply Honey Wax using a cloth or wax applicator pad.
3. Allow wax to haze and then remove with a microfiber cloth.
4. Touch up gloss or dust with Stoner Speed Bead Quick Detailer.
Storage and Handling 
Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from all sources of ignition. Empty container may contain residues which are hazardous. Keep from extreme temperatures.

HONEY WAX 900是美國Stoner公司,專為中国市场研發之頂級汽車棕梠蠟,含25%正宗巴西棕梠蠟成份,加上附著性絕佳之偶合劑配方,能讓你的愛車,閃耀著深沉亮澤,效果持久可達一般車蠟的三倍時間,同時保護你的愛車不受酸雨,紫外線的侵蝕.

 薄薄一層HONEY WAX 900車蠟,仿彿為你的愛車穿上一層防護膜,上完蠟後,若有髒汙,以清水洗淨擦乾,即可回復閃閃光澤.

产品关键词:Teflon涂料|杜邦特氟龙涂料|XYLAN涂料|TUFRAM|STONER脱模剂|TRASYS水性脱模剂|滚塑脱模剂|硅胶脱模剂|聚氨酯PU脱模剂|热塑性塑料脱模剂|碳纤维脱模剂|胶管脱模剂|复合材料脱模剂|半钢轮胎涂料|球模铁氟龙涂料|鞋模铁氟龙涂料|园林剪刀铁氟龙涂料|吸塑模铁氟龙涂料|医疗器械涂层|橡胶表面特氟龙喷涂|O型圈PTFE喷涂|耐磨自润滑涂料|二硫化钼涂料|轴瓦涂料|真空泵无油转子涂料|灯泡防爆PFA粉末TraSys818|TraSys420|TraSys9825|TraSys428|TraSys423|电子清洗剂\3M PFA静电喷涂级粉末|Whitford PFA喷涂粉末

Chemours/Teflon/科慕/特氟龙/铁氟龙商标品牌为美国科慕公司The Chemours Company所拥有