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93123XENIT Natural Citrus Mold cleaner天然柑橘模具清洗剂


XENIT Natural Citrus Mold Cleaner

Stoner® 93123 XENIT Natural Citrus Mold Cleaner quickly and easily removes resins, carbon deposits, silicones and contaminants from molds. Powerful formula saves time cleaning molds.  XENIT Natural Citrus Mold Cleaner contains a proprietary cleaning formula with Citrus 66, a natural, highly refined extract of citrus fruit.  With this powerful ingredient, XENIT can remove the greasy, grimy soils and stains that soap and water can’.


  • Dissolves and flushes away most release agents from metal molds prior to application of rust preventives.
  • Cleans molds –in or out of the press– by removing resins, carbon deposits, and other contaminants left in the cavities.
  • Removes greases, oils, waxes, inks, tars, silicones, and other contaminants from molds. Always test before using with plastics or solvent-sensitive materials.
  • Dries fast and leaves no residue. Pleasant citrus scent. Non-halogenated.
  • Contains no methylene chloride or Class I ozone depleting substances.

Stoner®93123 XENIT天然柑橘模具清洁剂可快速轻松地从模具中去除树脂,碳沉积物,有机硅和污染物。强大的配方节省时间清洗模具。 XENIT天然柑橘模具清洁剂含有一种专有的清洁配方,含有柑橘类水果天然高度提炼的柑橘66。有了这个强大的成分,XENIT可以去除肥皂和水可能会产生的油腻,肮脏的污垢和污渍。
Stoner®93123 XENIT优点:

Product Description

Stoner® 93123 XENITTM Natural Citrus Mold Cleaner quickly and easily removes resins, carbon deposits, silicones and contaminants from molds. Powerful formula saves time cleaning molds.

XENIT Natural Citrus Mold Cleaner contains a proprietary cleaning formula with Citrus 66, a natural, highly refined extract of citrus fruit. With this powerful ingredient, XENIT can remove the greasy, grimy soils and stains that soap and water can’t.


•   Dissolves and flushes away most release agents from metal molds prior to application of rust preventives. 

•   Cleans molds –in or out of the press– by removing resins, carbon deposits, and other contaminants left in the cavities. 

•   Removes greases, oils, waxes, inks, tars, silicones, and other contaminants from molds. Always test before using with plastics or solvent-sensitive materials. 

•   Dries fast and leaves no residue. Pleasant citrus scent. Non-halogenated. 

•  Contains no methylene chloride or Class I ozone depleting substances. 


Stoner® 93123 XENITTM Natural Citrus Mold Cleaner is a natural precision mold cleaner typically used as a degreaser in the plastics and rubber molding industries. 

Many applications in automotive manufacturing, aerospace manufacturing, and general fabrication industries. For use in the manufacturing process only. Not for use as a general purpose cleaner or degreaser. 

Direction for Use

Recommended Procedure

Shake can well before using. ALWAYS HOLD CAN UPRIGHT WHEN SPRAYING. Hold can 10 to 12 inches from surface
to be sprayed. Apply as needed to loosen and flush away contaminants from molds. Difficult areas may require second application or scrubbing with brush or rag. Allow excess to air dry or dry with rag. XENIT Natural Citrus Mold Cleaner

is a strong cleaner which may be harmful to certain plastics, paints or other solvent-sensitive materials. Always test before using. All cleaners and cleaning residues should be disposed in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations.

Storage and Handling

Do not puncture or incinerate container. Do not expose container to heat or store at temperatures above 120 °F. This product is classified as nonflammable by ASTM testing method D3065-01. However, contents of this container can ignite under certain circumstances. Keep container away from and do not use near sparks, open flame, heated surfaces, or other ignition sources.


Stoner® XENITTM Natural Citrus Mold Cleaner is available in:

• 12 can case of 12 oz cans           Part #93123

• 5-gallon pails
                               Part #94217

• 55-gallon drum                            Part #94218

Stoner®93123 XENIT天然柑橘模具清洁剂可快速轻松地从模具中去除树脂,碳沉积物,有机硅和污染物。强大的配方节省时间清洗模具。
Stoner®93123 XENITTM的优势:
Stoner®93123 XENITTM天然柑橘模具清洁剂是一种天然的精密模具清洁剂,通常用作塑料和橡胶模塑行业的脱脂剂。汽车制造,航空航天制造和一般制造行业的许多应用。仅用于制造过程。不可用作通用清洁剂或脱脂剂。
使用之前充分摇动。喷涂时应始终保持直立状态。保持距离地面10至12英寸可以喷洒。根据需要使用以松开并清除模具中的污染物。困难的地区可能需要第二次使用或用刷子或抹布擦洗。让多余的空气干燥或用抹布擦干。 XENIT天然柑橘模具清洁剂是一种强力清洁剂,可能对某些塑料,油漆或其他溶剂敏感材料有害。使用前请始终测试。所有清洁剂和清洁残留物应按照联邦,州和当地法规进行处理。
•12罐可装12盎司罐   型号#93123
•5加仑桶                   型号#94217

•55加仑桶装             型号#94218
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