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O Ring PTFE Coating

O Ring PTFE Coatings

O rings, seals and sealing systems can all benefit from the use of a lubricant to aid assembly and to eliminate pinching and unwanted friction, enhancing their sealing performance and reducing wear. The use of rubber seals creates problems for quality and efficiency in today’s demanding industries and reduction in assembly time and the elimination of noise is of primary concern to design engineers.

To solve these problems the friction coefficient must be lowered to:-

· Ease assembly

· Assure that the seal is seated properly without tension that may cause premature wear, or defective sealing

· Eliminate the risk of rupture (as with the Fluorosilicone)

· Eliminate stick-slip concerns (noise and squeaks) where micro tapping is present.

 Both water and solvent-based rubber compatible products are available from Best Fluoro. The choice of product depends on the desired endurance, the risk of contact with dust, and the transfer of product associated with handling. The film created is barely visible but many products are available with the UV tracer material so that it can be detected and monitored on the assembly line.

产品关键词:Teflon涂料|杜邦特氟龙涂料|XYLAN涂料|TUFRAM|STONER脱模剂|TRASYS水性脱模剂|滚塑脱模剂|硅胶脱模剂|聚氨酯PU脱模剂|热塑性塑料脱模剂|碳纤维脱模剂|胶管脱模剂|复合材料脱模剂|半钢轮胎涂料|球模铁氟龙涂料|鞋模铁氟龙涂料|园林剪刀铁氟龙涂料|吸塑模铁氟龙涂料|医疗器械涂层|橡胶表面特氟龙喷涂|O型圈PTFE喷涂|耐磨自润滑涂料|二硫化钼涂料|轴瓦涂料|真空泵无油转子涂料|灯泡防爆PFA粉末TraSys818|TraSys420|TraSys9825|TraSys428|TraSys423|电子清洗剂\3M PFA静电喷涂级粉末|Whitford PFA喷涂粉末

Chemours/Teflon/科慕/特氟龙/铁氟龙商标品牌为美国科慕公司The Chemours Company所拥有