M806 Urethane Mold Release-强力型溶剂MDI浇注聚氨酯脱模剂
M806Urethane Mold ReleaseA heavy-duty, solvent based polyurethane release optimized for MDI cast elastomer. Fast evaporation of solvent-borne assures steady production. Simply spray on molds to let parts release quickly and easily. Non-CFC. This material is ready-to-use and requires no dilution. Best application is achieved by applying a thin coating using a spray system. M806Urethane Mold Release强力溶剂型聚氨酯脱模剂,适用于MDI铸塑弹性体。溶剂快速蒸发,保证生产稳定。只需喷涂在模具上,使零件快速方便地脱模。非CFC。这种材料是即用型,不需要稀释。最佳应用是通过使用喷雾系统,造出薄涂层来实现。 |